Sunday, December 15, 2024

My Experience in IS101

I am proud to say that my digital experience has increased ever since starting IS101. Before getting into IS101, I had little knowledge of digital literacy. I was well versed in basic things, for example, sending emails, creating papers in Microsoft Word, and simple presentations in PowerPoint, but nothing to the extent of what I know now. I now know how to use functions in Excel and what situations to apply them to, and also how to make my presentations more visually pleasing and adding transitions and animations to captivate my audience. The biggest takeaway I am going to take away from this class is all the skills I have learned in Excel as I know I will be applying these skills in the business world.

Birth Control: Free and More Accessible was the topic of my presentation. The biggest takeaway from my presentation is that both men and women need to be educated on birth control. It shouldn't be seen as just a woman's responsibility, and both parties involved need to make sure to have a discussion about it.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Chapters 4 and 5 and Final Week of IS101

I chose skill 4.9.5 (Use Themes, Styles, and Templates). When using Microsoft Word, I've mainly only used it to create essays or research papers in school, which don't require a lot of elaborate styling or fancy templates. In my job, it's the opposite as sometimes I am required to make documents with certain different themes or templates, such as flyers, so I apply this skill a lot in my job.

For Chapter 5, I have chosen skill 5.5.10 (Format a Directory). This skill has definitely helped me a lot as I work with Excel in my job. Specifically, when having our customers' phone numbers on a worksheet, I would manually format it as a phone number, but now I easily format all the phone numbers with two clicks of a button, which has saved me a lot of time.

I have reached the final week of IS101, and I envision myself finishing the class strong. I am slightly behind on discussions due to me enjoying Thanksgiving break a bit to much, and I have some minor touch-ups to do, but it's nothing I can't finish before Saturday. I have learned so much from this class, which I'm very proud of since I applied these skills at my job, and I know I will continue to apply them in the future.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

My First Two Weeks

These first two weeks in my IS101 class have been a positive experience and a lot more different than what I was expecting initially. A couple of days before class started, I was a bit nervous about IS101 when I started to see all the LabSim assignments coming in through Canvas. I thought the workload was going to be stressful, and that added to my nerves about the class since I'm not very well-versed in technology. Still, after successfully making it through the first week of the semester and completing the initial LabSim assignments, I was pleasantly surprised. There were a lot of tasks for the homework assignments, but they were very straightforward, and you were allowed to re-do the same task until you did it perfectly, which helped me grasp the concept a lot better. Professor Wu has also been very helpful in making sure my work is nothing short of perfect, so I feel very comfortable reaching out to him if I have any issues with my assignments.

I have chosen LabSim task 2.5.12 Skill Lab: Configure Networking and User Accounts. I use these skills all the time, whether connecting to CSN's wifi, connecting to my home wifi with a new device, or whenever I go to a new location where I have to connect to the wifi. I have a lot of experience with connecting devices to different wireless networks so at this point, it's something that I'm very familiar with. It's a skill that a lot of people know how to do since our world is very technology-oriented. 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

IS101 Introduction

Hello my name is Kimberly and I am looking forward to IS101! Initially, I was nervous due to not being well versed in technology, especially in a professional setting but after meeting the professor I feel a lot more confident due to him explaining that he will help us every step of the way and he wants to see us succeed! It was also very helpful that he reached out to all us before class started to set up a web meeting. This is the first time I've had a professor reach out like that which was very reassuring and definitely made my nerves go away. I'm looking forward to this class!