I am proud to say that my digital experience has increased ever since starting IS101. Before getting into IS101, I had little knowledge of digital literacy. I was well versed in basic things, for example, sending emails, creating papers in Microsoft Word, and simple presentations in PowerPoint, but nothing to the extent of what I know now. I now know how to use functions in Excel and what situations to apply them to, and also how to make my presentations more visually pleasing and adding transitions and animations to captivate my audience. The biggest takeaway I am going to take away from this class is all the skills I have learned in Excel as I know I will be applying these skills in the business world.
Birth Control: Free and More Accessible was the topic of my presentation. The biggest takeaway from my presentation is that both men and women need to be educated on birth control. It shouldn't be seen as just a woman's responsibility, and both parties involved need to make sure to have a discussion about it.